Igor Andrianov
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Here is the full list of my publications: 14 monographs and about 350 papers. It is arranged into 6 sections: Monographs, Peer-reviewed Papers, Other Papers, Scientific-popular Papers, Reviews and Proceedings and Abstracts.
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Key words: asymptotic methods, Padé approximants, homogenizatrion, shells, composite materials, nonlinear vibrations.

Mathematics Subject Classification 2000: 00, 01, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41, 44, 74, 97

This page was updated: October 2004

Monographs [Back to top]

  1. Andrianov, I.V., Lesnichaya, V.A., Manevitch, L.I., "Homogenization Methods in Statics and Dynamics of Ribbed Shells", Moscow, Nauka, 1985, 221 p. (in Russ.).
  2. Andrianov, I.V., Lesnichaya, V.A., Loboda, V.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Investigation of Strength of Reinforced Shells of Engineering Structures", Kiev-Donetzk, Visha Shcola, 1986, 104 p. (in Russ.).
  3. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotic Methods and Physical Theories", Moscow, Znanie, 1989, 61 p. (in Russ.), ISBN 5-07-000314-3.
  4. Obraztsov, I.F., Nerubaylo, B.V., Andrianov, I.V., "Asymptotic Methods in the Structural Mechanics of Thin-Walled Structures", Moscow, Mashinostroyenie, 1991, 416 p. (in Russ.), ISBN 5-217-010066-5.
  5. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotology: Ideas, Methods, Results", Moscow, Aslan, 1994, 159 p. (in Russ.), ISBN 5-87793-010-9.
  6. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Asymptotic Methods of Solving and Research of Boundary Value Problems for Cylindrical Shells Theory", Dnepropetrovsk, DGU Press, 1996, 196 p. (in Russ.), ISBN 5-86400-313-1.
  7. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., Asymptotic Methods of Structural Mechanics in Problems and Examples, Dnepropetrovsk, Nauka i Obrazovanyje, 1997, 42p. (in Russ.), ISBN 966-7191-13-3.
  8. Awrejcewicz, J., Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotic Approaches in the Nonlinear Dynamics: New Trends and Applications", Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 1998, 310 p., ISBN 3-540-63894-6.
  9. Awrejcewicz, J., Andrianov, I.V., Asymptotic Methods and their Using in the Theory of Shells, Warsaw, Science-Technical Book, 2000, 184 p. (in Polish), 83-204-2626-X.
  10. Awrejcewicz, J., Andrianov, I.V., Plates and Shells in Nature, Mechanics and Biomechanics, Warsaw, Science-Technical Book, 2001, 200 p. (in Polish), ISBN 83-204-2708-8.
  11. Manevitch, L.I., Andrianov, I.V., Oshmyan, V.O., Mechanics of Periodically Heterogeneous Structures, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 264 p., ISBN 3-540-41630-7.
  12. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., with help from Hazewinkel, M., “Asymptotology: Ideas, Methods, and Applications”, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 252 p., ISBN 1-4020-0960-7.
  13. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotical Mechanics of Thin-Walled Structures: A Handbook", Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2004, 535 p., ISBN 3-540-40876-2.
  14. Andrianov, I.V., Barantsev, R.G., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotic Mathematics and Synergetic – a Way to Holistic Simplicity", Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2004, 304p. (in Russ.), ISBN 5-354-00349-0.

Peer-reviewed papers [Back to top]

  1. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Classification of approximate equations for discretely stiffened shells", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, N 15, pp.115-122 (1972) (in Russ.).
  2. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Calculations of folded plates", Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures, N 26, pp.11-14 (1975) (in Russ.).
  3. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Approximate equations of eccentrically stiffened cylindrical shells", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, N 20, pp.196-105 (1975) (in Russ.).
  4. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., Nalivayko, L.A., "Calculations of circular cylindrical orthotropic plate, reinforced by ribs", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 5, pp.19-23 (1975) (in Russ.).
  5. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Calculation of the strain-stress state of orthotropic strip, stiffened by ribs", MTT, N 4, pp.135-140 (1975) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechanics of solids, vol. 10, N 4. pp. 125-129 (1975)).
  6. Andrianov, I.V., Loboda, V.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Setting of boundary value problems for simplified equations in the theory of eccentrically reinforced cylindrical shells", Applied Mechanics, vol.11, N 7, pp.50-55 (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Soviet Applied Mechanics, vol.11, N 7, pp.726-730 (1975)).
  7. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Investigation of eccentrically stiffened circular cylindrical and conical shells with free in circumferential direction butt-ends stability", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, N 21, pp.139-142 (1976) (in Russ.).
  8. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., Nalivayko, L.A., "Calculation of shell of revolution, reinforced by meridian ribs", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 3, pp. 16-20 (1977) (in Russ.).
  9. Andrianov, I.V., Dyskovskiy, A.A.", Investigation of oval cylindrical shells stability under external pressure", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, N 23, pp. 119-128 (1978) (in Russ.).
  10. Andrianov, I.V., Nalivayko, L.A., "Calculations of ribbed orthotropic strips", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 3, pp.18-23 (1978) (in Russ.).
  11. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., Kholod, E.G., "On the nonlinear oscillation of rectangular plates", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 5, pp.48-51 (1979) (in Russ.).
  12. Andreev, L.V., Andrianov, I.V., et al., "Non-linear deformation of elliptic cylinders under uniform external pressure", MTT, N 2, pp. 117-122 (1979) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechanics of Solids, vol.14, N 2, pp.119-123 (1979)).
  13. Andrianov, I.V., et al., "Investigation of attached plates influence on the foundation vertical oscillations", Izvestya VUSov. Civil Engineering and Architecture, N 6, pp. 13-17 (1980) (in Russ.).
  14. Andrianov, I.V., "Nonlinear oscillations of stringer shells with discrete stiffeners", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, N 28, pp.66-70 (1981) (in Russ.).
  15. Andrianov, I.V., Loboda, V.V., "Influence of ribs width on the stress state of stiffened plates", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, N 28, pp.71-75 (1981) (in Russ.).
  16. Andrianov, I.V., Dyskovskiy, A.A., "Investigation of corrugated plates stress state", Izvestya VUSov. Civil Engineering and Architecture, N 11, pp. 36-41 (1981) (in Russ.).
  17. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Approximate equations of axisymmetric vibrations of cylindrical shells", Applied Mechanics, vol.17, N 8, pp. 25-30 (1981) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Soviet Applied Mechanics, vol.17, N 8, pp.722-727 (1981)).
  18. Andrianov, I.V., Dyskovskiy, A.A., "Investigation of corrugated plates by homogenization method", Strength of Materials and Theory of Constructions, N 40, pp. 45-53 (1982) (in Russ.).
  19. Andrianov, I.V., et al., "Investigation of foundation with attached plates oscillations for various joint", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 2, pp.53-56 (1982) (in Russ.).
  20. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Homogenization method in the theory of shells", Advances in Mechanics, vol. 6, N 3/4, pp. 3-29 (1983) (in Russ.).
  21. Andrianov, I.V., Dyskovskiy, A.A., "Strength calculations of circular corrugated plates", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 6, pp. 18-22 (1983) (in Russ.).
  22. Andrianov, I.V., Loboda, V.V., "Calculation of cylindrical shells stiffened by rarely disposed stringers", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, N 30, pp.97-103 (1983) (in Russ.).
  23. Andrianov, I.V., "At the theory of Berger plates", PMM, vol. 47, N 1, pp. 179-181 (1983) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: PMM, J. of Applied Math. and Mechanics, vol.47, N 1, pp.142-144 (1983)).
  24. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Simplified equations of the nonlinear dynamics of smooth shells", Dynamical Systems, N 2, pp. 60-64 (1983) (in Russ.).
  25. Andrianov, I.V., "Buckling of an orthotropic shells of revolution under axial tension", Izvestya VUSov. Civil Engineering and Architecture, N 2, pp.38-40 (1984) (in Russ.).
  26. Andrianov, I.V., "Calculation of shells with periodic hinges", Izvestya VUSov. Civil Engineering and Architecture, N 5, pp. 37-39 (1984) (in Russ.).
  27. Andrianov, I.V., "Simplified nonlinear equations of shallow shells", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 2, pp.28-29 (1984) (in Russ.).
  28. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Asymptotic analysis of boundary value problem for orthotropic shells of revolution dynamics", Izvestya VUZov. Mechanical Engineering, N 8, pp. 27-32 (1984) (in Russ.).
  29. Andrianov, I.V., "Calculation of plate with the discrete aggregate using the homogenization method", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 9, pp. 128-130 (1984) (in Russ.).
  30. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova, N.S., "Method of perturbation series convergence acceleration", Applied Mechanics, vol.20, N 5, pp.119-122 (1984) (in Russ.).
  31. Andrianov, I.V., Koblik, S.G., "Calculation of orthotropic strip with periodically changing boundary conditions", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 7, pp.128-30 (1984) (in Russ.).
  32. Andrianov, I.V., "The use of Padé approximation to eliminate nonuniformities of asymptotic expansions", Mechanics of Fluids and Gases, N 3, pp. 166-167 (1984) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Fluid Dynamics, vol.19, N 3, pp. 484-486 (1984)).
  33. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Natural nonlinear oscillations of shallow shells", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 4, pp. 51-54 (1985) (in Russ.).
  34. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Stability of ribbed cylindrical shells, stiffened by butt-end elastic rings", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, N 33, pp. 60-66 (1985) (in Russ.).
  35. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Composite equations in the theory of shells", Izvestya VUZov. Mechanical Engineering, N 1, pp 35-38 (1986) (in Russ.).
  36. Andrianov, I.V., Hariton, L.E., "Nonlinear oscillations and optimal design of three-layered shallow shells", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, pp.76-81 (1986) (in Russ.).
  37. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Asymptotic analysis of boundary value problems for orthotropic shells of revolution", Problems of Mechanical Engineering, N 25, pp.18-22 (1986) (in Russ.).
  38. Andrianov, I.V., "Construction of simplified equation of non-linear dynamics of plates and shallow shells by the averaging method", PMM, vol.50, N 1, pp. 171-175 (1986) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: PMM, J. of Appl. Math. and Mechanics, vol. 50, N 1, pp. 126-129 (1986)).
  39. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Composite equations in the theory of cylindrical shells", Doklady AN USSR, vol. 287, N 4, pp. 806-809 (1986) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Soviet Physics-Doklady, vol. 31, pp. 353-354 (1986)).
  40. Andrianov, I.V., "Composite equations of structurally orthotropic cylindrical shells", Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, N 3, pp.152-156 (1986) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: vol. 27, N 3, pp. 468-472 (1986)).
  41. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., "Application of the Padé approximant in the method of introducing a parameter when investigating biharmonic equations with complex boundary conditions", J. Comp. Math. and Math. Phys., vol. 27, N 2, pp. 296-301 (1987) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: U.S.S.R. Comp. Math. and Math. Phys., vol. 27, N 1, pp. 193-196 (1987)).
  42. Andrianov, I.V., "Homogenization method for investigation of ring-and ring-and-stringer-stiffened cylindrical shells", Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures, N 50, pp. 93-95 (1987) (in Russ.).
  43. Andrianov, I.V., Sedin, V.L., "Investigation of modern foundation construction", Izvestya VUSov. Civil Engineering and Architecture, N 12, pp. 15-18 (1987) (in Russ.).
  44. Andrianov, I.V., et al., "Geometrical model for definition of three-fold metallurgical systems physic-chemical properties", Izvestya VUSov. Ferrous Metallurgy, N 1, pp. 4-6 (1987) (in Russ.).
  45. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Approximate nonlinear boundary value problems in the ribbed shells dynamics", Inaxisymmetric Problems of Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, pp. 82-93 (1987) (in Russ.).
  46. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova, N.S., "Using Padé approximants to eliminate the domain of application of small-parameter method", Numerical and Applied Mathematics, N 62, pp. 31-34 (1987) (in Russ.) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: J. Soviet Maths, vol. 63, N 5, pp. 532-534 (1993)).
  47. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Exact solutions of the geometrically nonlinear problems of plates structural mechanics", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 3, pp.38-40 (1987) (in Russ.).
  48. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Composite boundary value problem of the cylindrical shells theory ", Izvestya VUZov. Mechnical Engineering, N 3, pp. 20-24 (1987) (in Russ.).
  49. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Solution of nonlinear dynamics problems of stiffened constructions with discrete ribs", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 16, pp. 20-22 (1987) (in Russ.).
  50. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., "Solution of dynamic problems for perforated structures by the method of averaging ", Dynamical Systems, N 6, pp.72-76 (1987) (in Russ.) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Journal of Soviet Mathematics, vol. 57, N 5, pp. 3410-3412 (1991)).
  51. Andrianov, I.V., Krizhevskiy, G.A., "Oscillation of cylindrical shells with large number of attached masses", Applied Mechanics, vol. 123, N 21, pp. 113-115 (1987) (in Russ.).
  52. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., "The homogenization method for the mechanical problems in multy-connected domain", Problems of Mechanical Engineering, N 27, pp. 148-154 (1987) (in Russ.).
  53. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., Kolesnik, I.A., "Dynamics of plates with mixed boundary conditions", Izvestya VUZov. Mechanical Engineering, N 8, pp. 34-37 (1987) (in Russ.).
  54. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Calculation of flexible plates by the homogenization method", Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, N 19, pp. 124-129 (1988) (in Russ.).
  55. Andrianov, I.V., Krizhevskiy, G.A., "Modified asymptotic method for the problems of stiffened constructions dynamics", Structural Mechanics and Theory of Structures, N 12, pp. 46-49 (1988) (in Russ.).
  56. Andrianov, I.V., Krizhevskiy, G.A., "Calculation of skew plate natural oscillation due approximate method", Izvestya VUSov. Civil Engineering and Architecture, N 12, pp. 46-49 (1988) (in Russ.).
  57. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., "Using of homogenization method for investigation of perforated plates oscillations", Dynamical Systems, N 7, pp. 18-23 (1988) (in Russ.) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: J. Soviet Maths, vol. 65, N 2, pp. 1503-1507 (1993)).
  58. Andrianov, I.V., Shevchenko, V.V., "Calculation of homogenized parameters in the problem of bending and natural oscillations for periodically perforated plates", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 12, pp. 22-26 (1988) (in Russ.).
  59. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., "Solution of mixed boundary value problem for plate bending modified boundary conditions perturbative method ", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 1, pp. 33-36 (1988) (in Russ.).
  60. Andrianov I.V., Sedin V.L., "Composition of simplified equations of nonlinear dynamics of plates and shells on the basis of homogenization method", ZAMM, vol.68, N 7, pp. 573-575 (1988).
  61. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., "Application of the averaging method for the calculation of perforated plates", Applied Mechanics, vol.24, N 4, pp. 100-104 (1988) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Soviet Applied Mechanics, vol.24, N 4, pp. 410-415 (1988)).
  62. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Certain exact solutions in the theory of elastic plates", Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, vol. 29, N 2, pp. 284-286 (1989).
  63. Andrianov, I.V., "End resonance in the cylindrical shell with free in the circumferential direction butt-ends", Dynamical Systems, N 8, pp. 45-46 (1989) (in Russ.).
  64. Andrianov, I.V., Iskra, V.S., "Acceleration of perturbation series convergence in the optimization problems", Fluid Dynamics and Theory of Elasticity, pp. 49-52 (1989) (in Russ.).
  65. Andrianov, I.V., Krizhevskiy, G.A., "Analytical investigation of geometrically nonlinear oscillation of sector plates, reinforced by radial ribs", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 11, pp. 30-33 (1989) (in Russ.).
  66. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., Kurpa, L.V., "Analytical and numerical investigations of plates with mixed boundary conditions stability ", Izvestya VUSov. Civil Engineering and Architecture, N 8, pp. 25-29 (1990) (in Russ.).
  67. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Approximation equations of higher order for investigation of stress-deformed state of cylindrical shells", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 4, pp. 34-38 (1990) (in Russ.).
  68. Andrianov, I.V., Shapiro, G.D., "Inverse Laplace transform by two-point Padé approximants method", Problems of Mechanical Engineering, N 34, pp. 58-60 (1990) (in Russ.).
  69. Andrianov, I.V., Verbonol', V.M., "Investigation of stringer shells stability with taking into account of prebuckling state momentness", Advances in Mechanics, v.13, N 3/4, pp. 59-88 (1990) (in Russ.).
  70. Andrianov, I.V., Verbonol', V.M., "Investigation of reinforced elements discreteness influence on circular cylindrical shell prebuckling bending ", Mechanics of Solids, Erevan, pp. 74-80 (1991) (in Russ.).
  71. Andrianov, I.V., "Continual approximation for higher-frequency oscillation of chain", Doklady AN Ukr. SSR, ser. A, N 2, pp. 13-15 (1991) (in Russ.).
  72. Andrianov, I.V., Iskra, V.S., "Using of Bolotin's asymptotic method in the optimal control problem", Problems of Mechanical Engineering, N 36, pp. 79-82 (1991) (in Russ.).
  73. Andrianov, I.V., Yermolinskiy, A.V., Sedin, V.L., "About limiting cases in the theory of ribbed plates", Applied Mechanics, vol. 27, N 7, pp. 120-125 (1991) (in Russ.).
  74. Andrianov, I.V., Krizhevskiy, G.A., "Investigation of natural oscillation of circle and sector plates with consideration of geometrical nonlinearity", MTT, N 2, pp. 149-154 (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechanics of Solids, vol. 26, N 2, pp. 143-148 (1991)).
  75. Andrianov, I.V., Obraztsov, I.F., Nerubaylo, B.V., "Continuum approximation for high-frequency oscillations of a chain and composite equations", Doklady Akademii Nauk USSR, vol. 319, pp. 111-112 (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Sov. Phys. Dokl., vol. 36, N 7, p. 522 (1991)).
  76. Andrianov, I.V., "Application of Padé-approximants in perturbation methods", Advances in Mechanics, vol. 14, N 2, pp. 3-25 (1991).
  77. Andrianov, I.V., "Laplace transform inverse problem: application of two-point Padé approximant", Appl. Math. Letters, vol. 5, N 4, pp. 3-5 (1992).
  78. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotology: Problems, ideas and results", J. Natural Geometry, vol. 2, N 2, pp. 137-150 (1992).
  79. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., "New asymptotic method for solving of mixed boundary value problem", Free Boundary Problems in Continuum Mechanics (Novosibirsk, 1991). International Series of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 106, Birkhäuser, Basel, pp. 39-45 (1992).
  80. Andrianov, I.V., Kirichek, Yu.A., Koblik, S.G., "Approximate analytic solution of the problem on penetration of deepened punch into elastic orthotropic half-plane", Doklady AN Ukr., mathematics, natural sciences, technics, N 8, pp. 42-45 (1992) (in Russ.).
  81. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Justification of composite equations for the investigation of stress-strain state of shell's constructions", Doklady AN Ukr., mathematics, natural sciences, technics, N 3, pp. 53-56 (1993) (in Russ.).
  82. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "New asymptotic method for integration of quantum mechanics equations with strong coupling", Doklady AN Ukr., mathematics, natural sciences, technics, N 4, pp. 64-66 (1993) (in Russ.).
  83. Andrianov, I.V., "Asymptotic solutions for non-linear systems with high degrees of non-linearity", PMM, vol. 57, N 5, pp. 181-184 (1993) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: PMM, J. of Appl. Maths. Mechs, vol.57, N5, pp. 941-943 (1993)).
  84. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Intermediate asymptotical forms in nonlinear dynamics of shells", MTT (Mechanics of Solids), N 2, pp. 172 - 177 (1993) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechanics of Solids, vol.28, N2, pp. 160-165 (1993)).
  85. Andrianov, I.V., "A new asymptotic method of integration the equations of quantum mechanics for strong coupling", Doklady Akademii Nauk USSR, vol. 328, N 5, pp. 557-558 (1993) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Physics-Doclady, vol.38, N2, pp. 56-57 (1993)).
  86. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Asymptotic study of the normal-mode vibrations of a cylindrical shells", Applied Mechanics, vol. 29, N 11, pp. 63-67 (1993) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: International Applied Mechanics, vol.29, N11, pp. 930-934 (1993)).
  87. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., "On the solution of plate bending mixed problems using modified technique of boundary conditions perturbation", ZAMM, vol.73, N 2, pp. 120-122 (1993).
  88. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Non-linear free vibration of shallow cylindrical shell by Bolotin's asymptotic method", J.Sound Vibr., vol. 165, N 1, pp. 9-17 (1993).
  89. Andrianov, I.V., "Simple formula for critical tension of truncated structurally orthotropic shells of revolution", Engineering Transaction, vol. 42, N 1, pp. 117-120 (1993).
  90. Andrianov, I.V., Krizhevsky, G.A., "Free vibration analysis of rectangular plates with structural inhomogeneity", J.Sound Vibr., vol. 162, N 2, pp. 231-241 (1993).
  91. Andrianov, I.V., "Two-point Padé approximants in the Mechanics of Solids", ZAMM, vol.74, N 4, pp.121-122 (1994).
  92. Tokarzewski, S., Blawzdziewicz, J., Andrianov, I., "Effective conductivity for densely parked highly condenced cylinders", Appl. Physics A, vol.59, pp. 601-604 (1994).
  93. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., Chernetzkiy, V.A., "Asymptotic-based method for a plane elasticity mixed eigenvalue problem", J. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 3, N 32, pp. 701-709 (1994).
  94. Andrianov, I.V., Gristchak, V.Z., Ivankov, A.O., "New asymptotic method for the natural, free and forced oscillations of rectangular plates with mixed boundary conditions", Technische Mechanik, vol.14, N 3/4, pp. 185-193 (1994).
  95. Tokarzewski, S., Blawzdziewicz, J., Andrianov, I., "Two-point Padé approximants for Stieltjes series", Numerical Algorithms, vol. 8, pp. 313-329 (1994).
  96. Andrianov, I.V., "Sequential construction of the asymptotic solution in the essential nonlinear systems", Doklady RAN, vol. 337, N 2, pp. 194-195 (1994) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Doklady Mathematics, vol. 50, N 1 (1994)).
  97. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "About one problem by Van-Dyke", Doklady RAN, vol. 344, N 1, pp. 46-47 (1995) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Physics-Doklady, vol. 40, N 9, (1995)).
  98. Andrianov, I.V., Konashenko, S.I., Sedin, V.L., "Calculations of the plates with wide rods", Applied Mechanics, vol. 31, N 3, pp. 75-84 (1995) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: International Applied Mechanics, vol. 31, N 3, pp. 229-237 (1995)).
  99. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova, N.S., "Non-quasilinear asymptotics in problem of oscillation of rods and plates on the nonlinear elastic subgrade", Doklady AN Ukr., mathematics, natural sciences, technical sciences, N 9, pp. 28-30 (1995) (in Russ).
  100. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko G.A., "Asymptotic methods in the theory of perforated membranes of nonhomogeneous structures", Engineering Transaction, vol. 43, N 1-2, pp. 5-18 (1995).
  101. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevskiy, V.V., "Asymptotic investigation of the nonlinear dynamic boundary value problem for rod", Technische Mechanik, vol. 15, N 1, pp. 53-55 (1995).
  102. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Bolotin's asymptotic method for nonlinear free vibration of shells", SAMS, vol. 18-19, pp. 211-213 (1995).
  103. Andrianov, I.V., Shevchenko, V.V., Kholod, E.G., "Asymptotic methods in the statics and dynamics of perforated plates and shells with periodic structures", Technische Mechanik, vol. 15, N 12, pp. 141-157 (1995).
  104. Andrianov, I.V., Sazonetz, O.N., "Asymptotical method of investigation of the oscillations of continual system with nonlinear boundary conditions", Applied Problem of Strengths and Plasticity, N 52, pp. 31-37, Moscow (1996) (in Russ.).
  105. Obraztsov, I.F., Nerubaylo, B.V., Andrianov, I.V., "Methods of matching of limiting asymptotics", Applied Problems of Strength and Plasticity, N52, pp. 3-11 (1995) (in Russ.).
  106. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., Olevsky, V.I., "Approximate non-linear boundary value problems of reinforced shell dynamics", J. Sound Vibr., vol. 194, N 3, pp. 369 - 387 (1996).
  107. Andrianov, I., Danishevskiy, V., Tokarzewski, S., "Two-point qusifractional approximants for effective conductivity of a simple cubic lattice of spheres", Int.J.Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 39, N 11, pp. 2349-2352 (1996).
  108. Andrianov, I.V., Linnik, R.Ya., "New asymptotic method for calculation of reinforced construction with width of ribs taking into account", Doklady AN Ukr., mathematics, natural sciences, technics, N 1, pp. 33-34 (1996) (in Russ).
  109. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., Selyanskiy, V.K., "Torsional regidity of ribs for a reinforced structure", Applied Mechanics, vol. 32, N 3, pp. 57-61 (1996) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: International Applied Mechanics, vol. 32, N 3, pp. 209-209 (1996)).
  110. Andrianov, I., Bulanova, N., Lagoshny, A., "Asymptotic and Padé approximants methods in the theory of reinforced plates and shells", Technische Mechanik, vol. 17, N 3, pp. 193-196 (1997).
  111. Emachi, E., Vakakis, A.F., Andrianov, I.V., Mikhlin, Yu. V., "Study of two-dimensional axisymmetric breathers using Padé approximants", Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 13, pp. 327-338 (1997).
  112. Tokarzewski, S., Galka, A., Andrianov, I.V., "Bounds on the effective transport coefficients of two-phase media from discrete theoretical and experimental data", Computer Assisted Mechs Engn. Sciences, vol. 4, pp. 229-241 (1997).
  113. Andrianov, I.V., Diskovskiy, A.A., "Homogenization and perturbation procedure in the theory of ring-stiffened shells", 'Technische Mechanik, vol 17, N 1, pp. 67-71 (1997).
  114. Andrianov, I., Tokarzewski, S., Mikhlin, Yu., , "Two-point Padé approximants and their applications to solving mechanical problems", J. of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 3, N 35, pp. 577-606 (1997).
  115. Andrianov, I.V., Piskunov, V.I., "An asymptotic investigation of the dynanics of eccentrically reinforced plates," PMM, vol 61, N 2, pp. 341-344 (1997) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: PMM, J. Appl. Maths Mechs, vol. 61, N 2, pp. 329-331 (1997)).
  116. Andrianov, I.V., "A new asymptotic method of calculation stiffned constructions with allowance for the discrete arrangement and for the width of ribs," Dokl. RAN, vol. 352, N 4, pp. 474-476 (1997) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Physics Doklady, vol. 42, N 2, pp. 84-86 (1997)).
  117. Andrianov, I.V., Piskunov, V.I., "Stability of ribbed plates with allowance for the discrete arrangement", MTT (Mechanics of Solids), N6, pp. 160-167 (1997) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechanics of Solids, vol.32, N6, pp.135-141 (1997)).
  118. Andrianov, I.V., Olevsky, V.I., Tokarzewski, S., "A modified Adomian's decompositions method", PMM, vol. 62, N2, pp. 334-339 (1998) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: PMM, J. Appl. Maths Mechs, vol. 62, N 2, pp. 309-314 (1998)).
  119. Andrianov, I., Starushenko, G., Tokarzewski, S., "Homogenization procedure and Padé approximation in the theory of composite materials", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol.41, N1, pp. 175-181 (1998).
  120. Andrianov, I.V., Diskovskiy, A.A., Kholod, E.G., "Homogenization method in the theory of corrugated plates", Technische Mechanik, vol. 18, N2, pp. 123-133 (1998).
  121. Andrianov, I.V., "About limit passing from quantum mechanics to the classical one", Doklady AN Ukr., mathematics, natural sciences, technics, N7, pp. 56-57 (1998) (in Russ.).
  122. Andrianov, I.V., Dem'yanenko, V.V., Sedin, V.L., Dem'yanenko, Ya.L., "Analytical calculation of frequencies spectrum of walled foundations natural oscillations ", Izv. VUZov. Stroitel'stvo, N2, pp. 26-32 (1998) (in Russ.)
  123. Andrianov, I., Starushenko, G., Tokarzewski, S., "Torsion of a non-homogeneous bar with periodic parallelepiped inclusions: analytical expressions for effective shear modulus", Technische Mechanik, vol. 19, N1, pp. 5-12 (1999).
  124. Andrianov, I.V., Mikolenko, V.A., Kholod E.G., "Nonlinear dynamics of a plane fibrous composite taking into account the width of the fiber", MTT, N2, pp. 85-90 (1999) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechs of Solids, vol. 34, N2, pp. 71-75 (1999)).
  125. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., "Using of three-phase model for effective characteristics of composites with arbitrary periodic cubic inclusions calculation", Doklady AN Ukr., mathematics, natural sciences, technics, N1, pp. 52-56 (1999) (in Russ.).
  126. Andrianov, I.V., "Problem of the theory of elasticity in stresses: what is the order of the system?", Ibid, N7, pp. 46-48.
  127. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., Danishevskiy, V.V., Tokarzewski, S., "Homogenization procedure and Padé approximants for effective heat conductivity of composite material with cylindrical inclusions having square cross-section", Proc. Royal Society London A, vol. 455, pp. 3401-3413 (1999). [Download]
  128. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova, N.S., Sedin, V.L., "Vibration of ribbed plates on elastic basis", Prikladnaya Mechanika, vol. 35, N1, pp. 69-73 (1999) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechs, vol. 25, N1, pp. 64-68 (1999)).
  129. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., Danishevskiy, V.V., "Asymptotic determination of effective thermal conductivity of pile media", Soil Mechanics and Found. Engn., N 1, pp. 26-29 (1999) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Soil Mechs and Found. Engn., vol. 36, N 1, pp. 31-36 (1999)).
  130. Andrianov, I.V., Dem'yanenko, V.V., Sedin, V.L., "Calculation of walled-type foundation forced due analytical oscillations method ", Jzv. VUZov. Stroitel'stvo, N 2-3, pp. 25-31 (1999) (in Russ.).
  131. Andrianov, I.V., Sazonetz, O.N., "Axisymmetric oscillations of cylindrical shells with nonlinear boundary conditions", Appl. Problems of Strength and Plasticity, Moscow, KMK, pp. 55-60 (1999) (in Russ.).
  132. Sallenger, G., Vakakis, A.F., Gendelman, O., Manevitch, L., Andrianov, I., "Transition from strongly to weakly nonlinear motions of damped nonlinear osullatos", Nonlinear Dynamic, vol. 20, pp. 99-144 (1999).
  133. Andrianov, I., Danishevs'kyy, V., Tokarzewski S., " Qusifractional approximants for effective conductivity of regular arrays of spheres", Archives of Mechanics, N 2, pp. 319-327 (2000). [Download]
  134. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Methods of small and large delta in the Nonlinear Mechanics – a comparative analysis”, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 23, pp. 57-66 (2000).
  135. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “A role of initial conditions choice on the results obtained using different perturbation methods”, J. Sound Vibr., vol. 236, N 1, pp. 161-165 (2000).
  136. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Asymptotics for strongly nonlinear systems”, ZAMM, vol. 80, pp. 265-266 (2000).
  137. Andrianov, I., Danishevs'kyy, V., Tokarzewski S., " Quasifractional approximants in the theory of composite materials”, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, vol.61, pp. 29-35  (2000).
  138. Andrianov, I., Danishevs'kyy, V., Tokarzewski, S., “An asymptotic method for effective properties of visco-elastic composite materials”,  ZAMM, vol.80, pp. 371-372 (2000).
  139. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevskii, V.V.,  Starushenko, G.A., Tokarzewski, S., “Asymptotic representation for the  effective heat conductivity of a composite material with fibrous diamond-shaped inclusions”, MTT, N 4, pp. 87-98 (2000) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechanics of Solids, vol. 35, N 4, pp. 73-82 (2000)).
  140. Andrianov, I., Galka, A., Tokarzewski, S., “Asymptotic study of geometrically non-linear elastic strip with regular system of fibres”, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, vol. 19, N 4, pp. 689-698 (2000).
  141. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova, N.S., Pasechnik, A.N., “Method of composite equations in the asymptotic static theory of isotropic cylindrical shells”, Problems of Strength and Plasticity, Nishny Novgorod, NN University Press, pp. 200-210 (2000).
  142. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Construction of periodic solutions to partial differential equations with non-linear boundary conditions”, Int. J. Nonlinear Sciences & Numer. Simulation, vol. 1, N 4, pp. 237-332 (2000).
  143. Andrianov, I.V., Ismagulov, B.G., Matyash, M.V., “Buckling of cylindrical shells of variable thickness, loaded by external uniform pressure”, Technische Mechanik, vol. 20, N41, pp. 349-354 (2000).
  144. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., Matyash, M.V., "On application of a perturbation method with a few perturbation parameters", Machine Dynamics Problems, vol. 34, No 3, pp. 5-10 (2000).
  145. Andrianov, I., Tokarzewski, S., “Effective coefficients for real non-linear and fictitious linear temperature-dependent periodic composites”, Int. J. Non-Linear Mechs, vol.36, No 1, pp. 187-195 (2001).
  146. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Iterative determination of homoclinic orbit parameters and Padé approximants”, J. Sound Vibr., vol. 240, No 2, pp. 394-397 (2001).
  147. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Solutions in the Fourier series form, Gibbs phenomena and Padé approximants”, J. Sound Vibr., vol. 245, No 4, pp.753-756 (2001).
  148. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "New trends in asymptotic approaches: summation and interpolation methods", Appl. Mech. Rev., vol.54, No 1, pp.69-92 (2001).
  149. Andrianov, I.V., Zarubinskaya, M.A., Pasechnik, A.N., "An asymptotic analysis of the stress-strain state of a strip reinforced with ribs", PMM, vol. 65, N 1, pp. 123-128 (2001) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: PMM, J. Appl. Maths Mechs, vol. 65, N 1, pp. 119-124  (2001)).
  150. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Asymptotic approaches to simplified boundary value problems of non-linear dynamics”, Nonlinear Analysis, vol.47., pp.2261-2269 (2001).
  151. Tokarzewski, S.,  Andrianov, I., Danishevsky, V.,  Starushenko, G., “Analytical continuation of asymptotic expansions of effective transport coefficients by Padé approximants”, Nonlinear Analysis, vol.47., pp.2283-2292 (2001).
  152. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevskii, V.V., Tokarzewski, S., “Quasifractional approximants in Nonlinear Physical Problems”, Int. J. of Nonlinear Modelling in Science and Engineering, N1, pp. 51-58 (2001).
  153. Andrianov, I.V., Samoilenko, O.G., “About Ishlinsky-Leibenzon method in the theory of elastic stability”, MTT, N 6, pp.  (2001) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Mechanics of Solids, vol. 36, N 6, pp.  (2001)).
  154. Andrianov, I.V., Zarubinskaya M.A.,  Kirichek, Yu.A., “Solution of equilibrium problem for plate with alternating ring”,  Applied Mechanics, vol. 37, N 11, pp.  (2001) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: International Applied Mechanics, vol. 37, N 11, pp. 1480-1486 (2001)).
  155. Andrianov, I.V., “About features of limiting passage from the discrete  to continuous media”, PMM, vol. 66, N 2, pp.267-271  (2002) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: PMM, J. Appl. Maths Mechs, vol. 66, N 2, pp.   (2002)).
  156. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., „Asymptotic approach for non-linear periodical vibrations of continuous structures”, J. Sound Vibr., vol. 249, No 3, pp.465-481 (2002).
  157. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., Kalamkarov A.L., “Asymptotic analysis of effective conductivity of composite materials with large rhombic fibers”, Composite Structures, vol. 56, No 3, pp. 229-234 (2002).
  158. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Oscillations of non-linear systems with restoring force close to sign(x)”, J. Sound Vibr., vol. 252, No 5, pp.962-966 (2002).
  159. Andrianov, I.V., “Asymptotics of nonlinear dynamical systems with high degree of nonlinearity”, Doklady RAN, vol. , N , pp. (2002) (Engl. cover-to-cover transl.: Doklady Mathematics, vol. 66, N 2, pp. 270-273 (2002)).
  160. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs’kyy, V.V., Weichert, D., “Asymptotic determination of effective elastic properties of composite materials with fibrous square-shaped inclusions”, Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids, vol. 21, N 6, pp. 1019-1036 (2002).
  161. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Analysis of jump phenomena using Padé approximations", J. Sound Vibr., vol. 260, No 3, pp. 577-588 (2003).
  162. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., Barantsev, R.G., "Asymptotic approaches in mechanics: new parameters and procedures", Appl. Mech. Rev., vol.56, No 1, pp.87-110 (2003).
  163. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Simplified formula for vibration frequency of circular cylinders", J. Sound Vibr., vol. 262, No 1, pp. 198-200 (2003).
  164. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Homogenization of a waffle membrane", J. Sound Vibr., vol. 264, No 3, pp. 746-750 (2003).
  165. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "On the average continuous representation of an elastic discrete medium", J. Sound Vibr., vol. 264, No 5, pp. 1187-1194 (2003).
  166. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Compatibility equations in the theory of elasticity", J. Vibr. Acoustics, vol. 125, No 2, pp. 244-245 (2003).
  167. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Dynamics of folded shells", J. Sound Vibr., vol. 265, No 3, pp. 689-692 (2003).
  168. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Asymptotic approaches to strongly non-linear dynamical systems", System Analysis and Model Simulations, vol. 43, No 3, pp. 255-268 (2003).
  169. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Asymptotic behaviour of a system with damping and higher power-form non-linearity", J. Sound Vibr., vol. 267, No 5, pp. 1169-1174 (2003).
  170. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Theory of plates and shells: new trends and applications", Int. J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations, vol. 4, No 4 (2003).
  171. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Quasi-fractional approximation of solution to non-autonomous Duffing"s equartion", Machine Dynamics Problems, vol. 27, No 1, pp. 15-20 (2003).
  172. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Quasifractional approximants for matching small and large delta approach", Phys. Lett. A, vol. 319, No 1-2, pp. 53-59 (2003).
  173. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Theory of plates and shells: new trends and applications", Int. J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulations, vol. 5, No 1, pp.23-36 (2004).
  174. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Edge-localized effects in buckling and vibrations of a shell with free in circumferential direction ends”, Acta Mechanica, vol. 173, pp. 41-47 (2004).
  175. Shamrovskyy, A.D., Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Asymptotic-group analysis of algebraic equations”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, No 5, pp. 411-451 (2004).
  176. ...

Other Papers [Back to top]

  1. Andrianov, I.V., Loboda, V.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotic analysis of boundary value problem of the reinforced cylindrical shells theory", Dynamic Strength and Stability of Large Machins Elements, N 1, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 139-153 (1973) (in Russ.).
  2. Andrianov, I.V., Loboda, V.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Error estimate of the main approximations for asymptotic analysis of eccentrically reinforced cylindrical shells equations", Ibid, pp. 154-161 (1973) (in Russ.).
  3. Andrianov, I.V., Loboda, V.V., Manevitch, L.I., "The main hypothesis for the approximate theories of eccentrically stiffened cylindrical shells", Ibid, pp. 162-169 (1973) (in Russ.)
  4. Andrianov, I.V., "Using of asymptotic method for calculation of strain-stress state in an orthotropic strip stiffened by ribs", Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Strength, Stability and Dynamics of Constructions, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 25-29 (1973)(in Russ.).
  5. Andrianov, I.V., Loboda, V.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Calculations of cylindrical panels", Dynamics and Strength of Heavy Machins, N 1, pp. 145-54 (1976) (in Russ.).
  6. Andrianov, I.V., Dyskovskiy, A.A., "Investigation of rectangular plates with free hole natural oscillations", Dynamics and Strength of Heavy Machines, N 14, pp. 55-58 (1979) (in Russ.).
  7. Andrianov, I.V., Dyskovskiy, A.A., Prusakov, A.P., "Calculation of corrugated shells", Strength and Reliability of Constructions Elements, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 13-12 (1982) (in Russ.).
  8. Andrianov, I.V., Molev, M.O., Shvetz, N.S., "Foundation under equipment", Author's USSR certificate for invention N 1032117, April 1, 1983.
  9. Andrianov, I.V., Druz', B.I., Ogay, S.A., "Theory of pneumatic panel constructions with rupture of parameters", Ship's Soft and Flexible Structures, Vladivostok, pp. 22-34 (1983) (in Russ.).
  10. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova, N.S., "Padé approximants method in nonlinear mechanics", Dynamics and Vibrodiagnostics of Mechanical Systems, pp. 35-40 (1983) (in Russ.).
  11. Andrianov, I.V., Barch, Z.I., "Design foundation plates reinforced by piles", Foundations and Basements Built on Specific Geological Conditions of the Ural Mountains, Perm, pp. 83-90 (1984) (in Russ.).
  12. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova, N.S., "Constructing of Van der Pol equation solution by the one- and two-point Padé approximants", Differential Equations and its Applications, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 87-91 (1984) (in Russ.).
  13. Andrianov, I.V., Sedin, V.L., "Simplified nonlinear equations of theory of plates and shells", Computer Aided Design, Zagreb, pp. 207-211 (1984).
  14. Andrianov, I.V., "Simplified model of geometrically nonlinear oscillations of viscoelastic plate", Problems and Methods of Mechanics of Solids, Irkutsk, pp. 3-5 (1985) (in Russ.).
  15. Andrianov, I.V., et al., "Fastering arrangement", Author's USSR certificate for invention N 1155792, Jan.15, 1985 (in Russ.).
  16. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Synthesis of simplified equations in the theory of shells", Questions of Structural Mechanics and Strength of Aircrafts, Moscow, pp. 3-5 (1985) (in Russ.).
  17. Andrianov, I.V., Shevchenko, V.V., "Torsion of rib, periodically weakened of square holes", Differential Equations and its Applications, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 55-59 (1985) (in Russ.).
  18. Andrianov, I.V., Molev, M.O., "Calculation of turbogenerator foundations with stripped unsupported plot", Basements and Foundations, Kiev, pp. 63-67 (1985) (in Russ.).
  19. Andrianov, I.V., Verbonol', V.M., "Influence of prebuckling state on the stability of stringer shells", Dynamics and Oscillations of Mechanical Systems, Ivanovo, pp. 118-123 (1986) (in Russ.).
  20. Andrianov, I.V., Shevchenko, V.V., "Free bending oscillations of plates, perforated by square holes", Differential Equations and its Applications, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 48-53 (1987) (in Russ.).
  21. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., "Using of Padé approximants and boundary conditions perturbation method for the solution of plate theory mixed problem", Calculation of Thin-Walled Strucrtures on Strength, Stability and Durability, Moscow, pp. 4-7 (1988) (in Russ.).
  22. Andrianov, I.V., Shevchenko, V.V., "Calculation of perforated shallow shells", Differential Equations and their Physical Applications, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 31-35, (1988) (in Russ.).
  23. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., Sedin, V.L., "Analytical calculation of foundation plate dynamics", Foundations and Basements Built on Specific Geological Conditions of the Ural Mountains, Perm, pp. 83-90 (1988) (in Russ.).
  24. Andrianov, I.V., Shevchenko, V.V., "Perforated plates and shells", Asymptotic Methods in Systems Theory, Irkutsk, pp. 217-243 (1989) (in Russ.).
  25. Andrianov, I.V., "Simplified formula for circular cylinder frequency", Numerical and Experimental Methods of Airkraft Strength Investigation, Moscow, pp. 31-36 (1989) (in Russ.).
  26. Andrianov, I.V., Shevchenko, V.V., "Homogenised equations of equilibrium and free oscillations for density perforated shallow shells", Questions of Strength of Thin-Walled Structures Strength, Moscow, pp. 156-61 (1989) (in Russ.).
  27. Andrianov, I.V., Boyko, I.L., Sedin, V.L., "Analytical solutions of pile and soil interaction problem", Calculation and Design of Piles and Pile's Foundation, Perm, pp. 122-124 (1990) (in Russ.).
  28. Andrianov, I.V., Shevchenko, V.V., "Solution of cell problem for the case of large square hole in the problems of bending and oscillation of density perforated plates", Differential Equations and their Physical Applications, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 83-89 (1990) (in Russ.).
  29. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., "Modificated method of boundary conditions perturbation for plate with mixed boundary conditions dynamic ", Modern Problem of Mechanics of Contact Interaction, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 41-44 (1990) (in Russ.).
  30. Andrianov, I.V., Chernetzkiy, V.A., "Analytical solving problems of natural planar oscillations of rectangular plates with mixed boundary conditions", Problems of Mechanics of Deformable Bodies and Destruction, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 110-115 (1992) (in Russ.).
  31. Andrianov, I.V., Verbonol', V.M., "Stability research of stringer shells with momentness prebuckling state", Research in the Theory of Plates and Shells, N 25, Kazan, pp. 41-47 (1992) (in Russ.).
  32. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., Jefimov, A.E., "Forced oscillations of plate with mixed boundary conditions", Theoretical Foundations in Civil Engineering (Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Dnepropetrovsk), Warsaw, pp. 9-12 (1993) (in Russ.).
  33. Andrianov, I.V., Chernetzkiy, V.A., "Analytical solving problem of planar oscillations of rectangular plate with complicated boundary conditions", Dynamics and Strength of Machins and Apparats, N 14, pp. 139-146 (1993) (in Russ.).
  34. Andrianov, I.V., Kholod, E.G., "Exact solution in the nonlinear theory of reinforced with discrete stiffness plates", Facta Universitatis, University of NiÅ¡, vol.1, N4, pp. 389-400 (1994).
  35. Tokarzewski, S., Andrianov, I., Blawzdziewicz, J., "Two-point Padé approximants for effective conductivity of periodic array of cylinders", Advances in Structured and Heterogeneous Continua, Alerton Press, p. 267-273 (1994).
  36. Andrianov, I.V., Burtova, N.Je., Piskunov, V.I., Selyanskiy, V.K., "Asymptotic investigation of nonhomogeneous construction dynamics", Theoretical Foundations in Civil Engineering (2nd Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Dnepropetrovsk), Warsaw, pp. 126-129 (1994) (in Russ.).
  37. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., Selyansky, V.K., "Asymptotic error of the composite equations of isotropic cylindrical shells theory", problems of the Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling, Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 9-12 (1995) (in Russ.).
  38. Andrianov, I.V., Linnik, R.Ya., Sazonetz, O.N., "Asymptotic investigation of the axial oscillations of rod with nonlinear boundary conditions", Ibid, pp. 4-8 (1995) (in Russ.).
  39. Andrianov, I., Loboda, V., Matyash, M., "Investigation of the stress-strain state of cracked cylindrical shell", Theoretical Foundations in Civil Engineering, (3rd Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 1995), Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 24-28 (1995) (in Russ.).
  40. Andrianov, I., Piskunov, V., Piskunova, Je., "Calculation of the stress-strain state of the plane fricative foundations", Ibid, pp. 29-38.
  41. Tokarzewski, S., Galka, A., Andrianov, I.V., "Continuous distributions of the effective transport coefficients generated by the experimental measurements", Theoretical Foundations in Civil Engineering (4th Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, July 1996), Dnepropetrovsk, vol. II, pp. 131-147(1996).
  42. Andrianov, I.V., Matyash, M.V., "Analytical research stability of cylindrical shells under nonuniform external pressure", Ibid, vol.1, part 2, pp. 170-174 (1996) (in Russ.).
  43. Andrianov, I., Matyash, M., Lagoshny, A., "Using of perturbation procedure in presence of several small parameters", Theoretical Foundations in Civil Engineering, (5th Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Dnepropetrovsk, June 1997), Warsaw, pp. 17-20 (1997) (in Russ.).
  44. Tokarzewski, S., Galka, A., Andrianov, I., "The investigation of a complex conductivity of regular arrays of spheres", Ibid, pp. 414-425 (1997).
  45. Pasechnik, A.N., Andrianov, I.V., Kolosenko, R.L., "Asymptotic method for investigation of critical axial tensions for shells of revolution", problems of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Modelling, Dnepropetrovsk, DGU, pp. 125-127 (1997) (in Russ.).
  46. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevskiy, V.V., Starushenko, G.A., "Asymptotic representation of the effective heat conductivity coefficient for composite meterial with diamond form large size fiber inclusions", Differential Equations and their Applications, Dnepropetrovsk, DGU, pp. 46-52 (1998) (in Russ.).
  47. Tokarzewski, S., Andrianov, I., Starushenko, G., "Padé bounds for the effective coefficients of nonlinear temperature-dependent periodic composites", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (VI Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, 6-11 July 1998), Warsaw, pp. 349-356 (1998).
  48. Tokarzewski, S., Andrianov, I., Starushenko, G., "Dynamical torsion moduli of porous beams filled with viscous fluid", Ibid, pp. 386-392 (in Polish).
  49. Andrianov, I., Danishevskiy, V., Tokarzewski, S., "An asymptotic representation for the effective shear properties of periodical inhomogeneous visco-elastic composite material with diamond fibres inclusions", Ibid, pp. 393-398. (in Russ.).
  50. Andrianov, 1., Matyash, M., "Methods of small and large δ in nonlinear dynamics", Ibid, pp. 399-402 (in Russ.).
  51. Andrianov, I., Danishevskiy, V., Tokarzewski, S., Seferovskiy, Ju., "Effective Poisson coefficient of composite material with fiber inclusions of sguare cross-section", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (VII Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 1999), Warsaw, pp. 16-19 (1999) (in Russ.).
  52. Andrianov, I., Zarubinskaya M., "Asymptotic investigation of strip' reinhorced by ribs stress-strain state", Ibid, pp. 21-26.
  53. Andrianov, I., Matyash, M., "Asymptotic of strongly nonlinear dynamical systems", Ibid, pp. 27-32(in Russ.).
  54. Tokarzewski, S., Galka, A., Andrianov, I., Danishevskiy, V., " Padé bounds on temperature-dependent conductivities of heterogeneous materials", Ibid, pp. 412-427.
  55. Andrianov I., Danishevs'kyy V., Tokarzewski S. "The method of quasifractional approximants in application to mechanical problems", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, V.8, pp. 371-376. (2000). [Download]
  56. Andrianov, I., Danishevskyy, V., Tokarzewski, S., "The method of quasifractional approximants in applications to mechanical problems", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (VIII Ukrainian - Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2000), Warsaw, pp. 371-385 (2000) (in Russ.).
  57. Tokarzewski, S., Andrianov, I., Danishevskyy, V., Starushenko, G., "Analytical continuation of asymptotic expansions of effective transport properties", Abstr. Third World Cong. of Nonl. Analysis, Catania (Italy), p.648 (2000).
  58. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Numbers or understanding: analytical and numerical methods in the theory of plates and shells", Facta Universitatis, ser. Mechanics, Aut. Control and Robotics, University of Ni?, vol.2, N 10, pp. 1319-1327 (2000).
  59. Kirichek Yu.A., Andrianov, I.V., "Analytical investigation of foundation inertia influence to the basement oscillations", Proceeding of Pridneprovie State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnepropetrovsk, No 6, pp. 24-30 (2001).
  60. Tokarzewski, S., Andrianov, I., Danishevsky, V., "Parametric complex bounds on effective transport coefficients of two-phase media", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (IX Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Dnepropetrovsk, 27 June - 1 July 2001), Warsaw, pp. 433-440 (2001).
  61. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "A comment on the problem of elasticity", Facta Universitatis, ser. Mechanics, Aut. Control and Robotics, University of Ni?, vol.3, N12, pp. 475-478 (2002).
  62. Andrianov, I.V., "Asymptotic correspondence of physical theories", Facta Universitatis, ser. Mechanics, Aut. Control and Robotics, University of Ni?, vol.3, N12, pp. 469-474 (2002).
  63. Tokarzewski, S., Galka A., Andrianov, I., Danishevsky, V., "Parametric inclusion regions for transport coefficients of two-phase media", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (X Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2002), vol. 2, Warsaw, pp. 465-470 (2002).
  64. Andrianov, I.V., "Did Marx think as mathematician, or can mathematics save the World?", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (X Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2002), vol. 1, Warsaw, pp. 533-534 (2002) (in Russian).
  65. Andrianov, I.V, Danishevsky, V.V, Tokarzewski, S., Horseva, L.Yu., Seferovskyy, Yu.S. "Effective plane shear modulus of a composite material with fibrous square-shaped inclusions", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (X Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2002), vol. 1, Warsaw, pp. 535-542 (2002).
  66. Andrianov, I.V., Matyash, M.V., Construction of continuous media models", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (X Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2002), vol. 1, Warsaw, pp. 541-552 (2002) (in Russian).
  67. Andrianov, I.V., Prud'ko, E.I., "Quasifractional approximants for matching small and large delta approaches", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (X Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2002), vol. 1, Warsaw, pp. 553-560 (2002).
  68. Kirichek, Yu., Andrianov, I., Lando, Ye., "Free oscillations of massive-plate bases", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (X Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2002), vol. 1, Warsaw, pp. 668-673 (2002) (in Russian).
  69. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Homo analyticus or homo computicus"", Facta Universitatis, ser. Mechanics, Aut. Control and Robotics, University of Ni", vol.3, N 13, pp. 765-770 (2003).
  70. Andrianov, I.V., "Is understanding an asymptotic process?", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (XI Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Dnepropetrovsk, June 2003), Warsaw, pp. 15-18 (2003).
  71. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy V.V., Tokarzewski S., "Asymptotic simulation of imperfect interfacial bonding in a fibre-reinforced composite under longitudinal shear deformation", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (XI Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Dnepropetrovsk, June 2003), Warsaw, pp. 19-26 (2003).
  72. Andrianov, I.V., Matyash, M.V., "Analytical determination of threshold of energy pumping in system of linear and nonlinear oscillators", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (XI Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Dnepropetrovsk, June 2003), Warsaw, pp. 28-30 (2003).
  73. Andrianov, I.V., Prud"ko, E.I., "Homogenization approach in the theory of integrally reinforced structures", Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (XI Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Dnepropetrovsk, June 2003), Warsaw, pp. 31-36 (2003).
  74. Starushenko, G.A., Andrianov, I.V., Rogoza, B.Ye., "Analysis of the phase model for the periodic problems of the theory of elasticity", System Technologies, No 4(27), 99-103 (2003) (in Russian).
  75. Kirichek, Yu.A., Andrianov, I.V., Prud’ko, E.I., “Basement of Muravsky and two-point Vlasov model“, Basements and Foundations, Spb. GASU, Sankt-Petersburg, 106-110 (2004) (in Russian).
  76. Andrianov, I.V., Matyash, M.V., “Continuous models for chain of inertial linked masses”, Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (XII Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2004), vol. II, Warsaw, pp. 539-546 (2004) (in Russian).
  77. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., Matyash, M.V., “Moving of mathematical string with variable speed”, Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (XII Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2004), vol. II, Warsaw, pp. 547-552 (2004) (in Russian).
  78. Kirichek, Yu., Andrianov, I., Lando, Ye., “Oscillations of combined massive-plate bases under the action of vertical loading”, Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (XII Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2004), vol. II, Warsaw, pp. 693-696 (2004) (in Russian).
  79. Nerubaylo, B.V., Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., “Solution of partial differential equations with variable coefficients and singular right hand side”, Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (XII Ukrainian-Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2004), vol. II, Warsaw, pp.779-782 (2004) (in Russian).


Scientific-popular Papers [Back to top]

  1. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Two hiepostaces of asymptotics", Priroda, N 4, pp. 85 - 97 (1987) (in Russ.).
  2. Andrianov, I.V., Brezinski, K., "Henry Padé: another birthday", Priroda, N 5, pp. 126-127 (1991) (in Russ.).
  3. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "The theory of shells: phenomenology and first principles in Applied Science", Priroda, N 12, pp. 67-72 (1993) (in Russ.).
  4. Andrianov, I.V., "Insistently recommended for translation in Russian", Priroda, N 2, pp. 122-123 (1994) (in Russ.).
  5. Andrianov, I.V., "American Medal of Science - to M.Kruscal", Priroda, N 11, pp. 122-123 (1994) (in Russ.).
  6. Andrianov, I.V., "Theoretical" and "rigorous" mathematics: new division was born", Znanie - Sila, N 5, pp. 108-110 (1994) (in Russ.).
  7. Andrianov, I.V. "School course of Mathematics - what must one teach? ", Znanie - Sila, N 1, pp. 2-3 (1996) (in Russ.).
  8. Andrianov, I., "Who invented Mandelbrot's fractal?", Znanie-Sila, N11, pp. 70-73 (1997) (in Russ.).
  9. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova N.S., "Does" Theoretical Mathematics" exist?", U Svity Matematyki, vol. 3, N 4, pp. 1-4 (1997) (in Ukr.).
  10. Andrianov, I.V., "Why does mathematician read Nabokov difficult?", Zvezda, N3, pp. 235-236 (1998) (in Russ.).
  11. Andrianov, I., "Asymptotology as tenor of L.I.Manevitch creation", Problems of Nonlinear Mechs. and Physics of Materials, Dnepropetrovsk, National Mining Academy of Ukraine, Publ. Co., pp. 300-307 (1999) (in Russ.)
  12. Andrianov, I.V., "Looks at the “Znani-Sila” on the side (but not the stranger)", Znanie - Sila, N 1, pp. 3-4 (2000) (in Russ.)
  13. Andrianov, I.V., "Insight, not numbers"  Znanie - Sila, N 3, pp. 79-81 (2000) (in Russ.)
  14. Andrianov, I.V., "Vladimir Vasil'evitch Beletskii”, Earth and Universe, N 4, pp. 36-37 (2000) (in Russ.)
  15. Andrianov, I.V., “The last universal”, Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering (VIII Ukrainian – Polish seminar, Warsaw, June 2000), Warsaw, pp. 25-26 (2000) (in Russ.).
  16. Andrianov, I.V., “Nonconformist”, Sankt-Petersburg University, N 3-4 (3589-3590), pp. 31-32 (2002) (in Russ.).
  17. Andrianov, I.V., "Complication is simple, simplification is complicated", Znanie - Sila, N 5 (2003) (in Russ.).
  18. Andrianov, I.V., "Hard deal", AIF in Europe, 28'03 (2003) (in Russ.).

[Back to top]

  1. Sivertsen, O.I., “Virtual Testing of Mechanical Systems: Theories and Techniques”, Swets and Zeitlinger Publ., Lisse, Netherlands (2001), in: Appl. Mech. Rev., vol.55, No 4, p.B6 (2002).
  2. Lebedev, L.P., Vorovich I.I., "Functional Analysis in Mechanics", Springer-Verlag, New York (2003), in: Appl. Mech. Rev., vol.56, No 4, p.B56 (2003).
  3. Nagaev, R.F., "Dynamics of Synchronising Systems", Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2003), in: Appl. Mech. Rev., vol.56, No 6, p.B79 (2003).

Proceedings and Abstracts
[Back to top]

  1. Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Tension transmission throw elastic elements on an orthotropic strip stiffened by ribs", Proceeding of 9th All-Union Conference on the Shells and Plates Theory, Leningrad, pp. 244-247 (1975) (in Russ.).
  2. Obraztsov, I.F., Nerubaylo, B.V., Andrianov, I.V., "Construction of asymptotically uniformly applied approximate solutions for the theory of plates and shells problems", Proceedings of 14 All-Union Conference on the Theory of Plates and Shells, Tbilisi, vol. 1, pp. 94-98 (1987) (in Russ.).
  3. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., "A new analytical method for mixed problems of plates theory", Proceedings of 15th All-Union Conference on the Plates and Shells Theory, Kazan, pp. 470-475 (1990) (in Russ.).
  4. Andrianov, I.V., Verbonol', V.M., "A stability analysis of stringer-stiffened shells assuming prebuckling nonaxisymmetric bending", 28th Polish Solid Mechanics Conference, Kozubnik, pp. 9-11 (1990).
  5. Andrianov, I.V., Sedin, V.L., "Turbogenerator foundation analysis under wide-range (seismic in particular) excitation", Int. Conference on Recent Adavances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, vol. VI-3, pp. 1547-1551 (1991).
  6. Andrianov, I.V., Verbonol', V.M., "Stringer shell stability investigation with undercrirical state in nonaxisymmetric bending moments consideration", Stab. Steel Struct.: Int. Conf., Budapest, Apr. 25 - 27, 1990, vol.2, pp. 993-1000 (1991).
  7. Andrianov, I.V., Mazo B.M., "Investigation of pile in the visco-elastic layer", Problems of Pile's Base Building. Proc. of 3-d Int. Conf., part 1, Perm, pp. 87-90 (1992) (in Russ.).
  8. Andrianov, I.V., Ivankov, A.O., "Solution of stability problem for rectangular plates with mixed boundary conditions on the basis on new asymptotic method", The 5th Conference SHELL STRUCTURES: Theory and Applications, Warsaw, pp. 43-46 (1992).
  9. Andrianov, I., "Asymptotic modeling and modern computers: Procedurally interactive and mutually complementary", Computer Methods in Mechanics. Proceedings of the XI Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Kielce-Cedzyna, Poland, 11 - 14 May 1993, vol. 1, pp. 29-36 (1993).
  10. Andrianov, I., "Dynamics of ribbed plate on elastic subgrade under wide-range excitation", Proceedings of 14th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics CANCAM 93, vol. 2, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 30 May - 4 June 1993, pp. 467-468 (1993).
  11. Andrianov, I.V., Pasechnik, A.N., "Composite equations in the stability theory of reinforced cylindrical shells", VII Sympozjum Statecznosci Konstrukcji, Bielsko-Biala, 7-9 December 1994, pp. 5-8 (1994).
  12. Andrianov, I.V., Bulanova N.S., "Non-quasilinear asymptotic for the problems of beams and plates on nonlinear elastic foundations free vibration", Proceedings of 15th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics CANCAM 95, vol. 1, Victoria University, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 28 May - 1 June 1995, pp. 340- 341 (1995).
  13. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevskiy, V.V., Tokarzewski, S., "Qusifractional approximants in the theory of composite materials", IAC'94 International Aerospace Congress: Theory, Applications, Technologies. Moscow, Russia, August 15-19, 1994, Proceedings, vol. 2, pp. 592-593 (1995).
  14. Andrianov, I.V., "Two-point Padé approximants in the dynamical problems", The Third Conference on Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications, Lodz, 6 December 1995, pp. 51-54 (1995).
  15. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., "Homogenization procedure and Padé approximations in the theory of periodically nonhomogeneous media", Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, vol. 1, Warsaw, pp. 494-495 (1995).
  16. Andrianov, I.V., Pritykin, L.M., Mikolenko, V.A., "Is the process of understanding an asymptotical?", Proceedings of the III International Conference "Mathematics, Computer, Education", Dubna, 29 January - 2 February, Moscow, pp. 27-30 (1996) (in Russ.).
  17. Andrianov, I., "Theory of nonlinear oscillations and distributional asymptotic approach", Analysis and Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Mechanics, Proceedings of the International Symposium, Riga, June 3-7, pp. 1-4 (1996).
  18. Andrianov, I., Matiyash, M., Koblik, S., "Asymptotic method in the plane theory problem for the orthotropic strip with cuts", MECHANISMS AND MECHANICS OF DAMAGE AND FAILURE. Proc. 11th Biennial European Conference on Fracture, ECF 11, Poitiers-Futuroscope, France, September 3-6, 1996, Publ. by: Engi. Mater. Advisory Services Ltd. (EMAS), vol.1, pp. 207-211 (1996).
  19. Tokarzewski, S., Galka, A., Andrianov, I., "Continued fraction technique for an investigation of the effective conductivity of regular composites", XIII Polish Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Poznan, Poland, 5-8 May 1997, pp. 1281-1288 (1997).
  20. Andrianov, I., Matyash, M., "Buckling of cylindrical shells, ring-stiffened on the ends, under nonuniform external pressure", VIII Sympozjum Statecznosci Konstrukcji, Zakopane, 22-26.09.1997, pp. 13-18 (1997).
  21. Andrianov, I.V., Kalamkarov, A.L, "A new asymptotic approach to the analysis of reinforced structures", Applied Mechanics in the Americas, vol.4: Mechanics and Dynamics of Solids, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, pp. 155-158 (1997).
  22. Andrianov, I.V., Rogoza, B.Je., "A restricted backlund transformation and nonlinear superposition of Duffing equation exact solutions, 4th Conference on Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, Lodz, 8-9 December 1997, Proceedings, pp. 47-50 (1997).
  23. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G., Tokarzewskiy, "Asymptotic investigation of effective transport properties of composite materials", 32nd Solid Mechanics Conference, Zakopane, Abstracts, pp. 47-48 (1998).
  24. Tokarzewski, S., Andrianov I. Danishevskiy, V., "Continued fraction approach to the torsionally oscillating viskoelastic beams with viscoelastic fibres", Ibid, pp. 377-378.
  25. Andrianov, I.V., "Systems with high degree of nonlinea rity as vibro-impact ones-asymptotic approaches", Dynamics of Vibro-Impact Systems, Proc. of the Euromech Coll. 15-18 Sept. 1998, V.I. Babitsky (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 137-139 (1998).
  26. Andrianov, I.V., Zarubinskaya, M.A., "Homogenization approach in the theory of reinforced plates and shells under local loading", The 6 th Conf. " Shell Structures: Theory and Appl.", Gdansk - Jurata (Poland), Oct. 12-14, 1998, pp. 73-74 (1998).
  27. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G., Danishevskiy, V., "Asymptotic approximation of effective heat conductivity of composite materials with large diamond fibre inclusions", Tenth Int. Conf. on Mechs of Composite Materials, April 20-23, Riga, Ltvia, 1998, p. 19 (1998).
  28. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Analysis of a linear wave equation with nonlinear boundary conditions using small delta method", Proc. of 5th Conf. on Dyn. Syst.: Theory and Appl., Lodz, Dec. 6-8, 1999, Poland, pp. 53-58 (1999).
  29. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Small delta method applied for construction of periodic solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations", Ibid, pp. 59-66.
  30. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Asymptotic analysis of strongly nonlinear dynamical systems", Ibid, pp. 67-70.
  31. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Development of computer technology and classical sciences", Ibid, pp. 71-76.
  32. Andrianov, I.V., Zarubinskaya, M., Danishevskiy, V., Kirichek, Yu. "Asymptotic approaches in nonlinear dynamics of the reinforced strip", Ibid, pp. 83-88.
  33. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevskiy, V., Horseva, L. "Problem of small denominators in the theory of continuous systems nonlinear oscillations", EQUADIFF 99, Int. Conf. on Diff. Equations, Berlin, 1-7 August 1999, Abstracts, pp. 324-325 (1999).
  34. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Analytical investigation of strongly nonlinear dynamical systems", 1999 ASME Desighn Engn. Techn. Conf. (DETC 99/ VIB-800), Sept. 12-15, 1999, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 1-5 (1999).
  35. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevskiy, V., Tokarzewski, S., "An asymptotic method for effective properties of viscoelastic composite material", GAMM 99, Annual Melting, Metz, April 12-16, 1999, Book of Abstracts, p. 18 (1999).
  36. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Homogenization procedure in the theory of peridically non-homogeneous platse and shells”, IASS-IACM 2000, Fourth Int. Coll. on Comp. of Shell & Spatial Str., 4-7.06 2000, Chania-Crete, Greece, pp. 2-18 (2000).
  37. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., Kostyrko, V.V., “Asymptotic small delta method for nonlinear oscillations”, ICAPV 2000, Proc. Int. Conf. Adv. Problems in Vib. Theory & Appl., 19-22.06 2000, Xi'an, Chine, J.H.Zhang, X.N.Zhang, eds., Science Press, pp. 788-791 (2000).
  38. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., “Asymptotic small delta method for nonlinear oscillations of continuous systems”, Abstr. XIII Int. Cong. Math. Phys., 17-22.07 2000, London, UK, p.25 (2000).
  39. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Analysis of periodic oscillations of partiall differential equations using small delta method”, CIMASI'2000, Third Int. Conf. Appl. Math. & Engn. Sc., 23-25.10 2000, EHTP Casablanca, Marocco, pp.31-37 (2000).
  40. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Non-traditional asymptotic approach to investigation wave nonlinear equation”. Math. And Num. Aspects of Wave Propagation. 5th  Int. Conf. , Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 10-14, 2000; A. Bermúdez et al., eds. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 260-264 (2000).
  41. Andrianov, I.V., Starushenko, G.A., Danishevskiy, V.V., Tokarzewski, S., "Padé approximants for effective properties of composite materials”, Book of Abstr. II, General Sessions, 4th EUROMECH, Metz, France, Univ. de Metz, p.242 (2000).
  42. Andrianov, I.V., “Homogenization approach in Mechanics of Composite materials”, 13. Workshop Composite Forschung in der Mechanik. 05.-06. Dezember 2000, Paderborn, Liborianum, p. 8 (2000).
  43. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., “Homogenization approach in Mechanics of  Solids," 3rd Int. ISAAC Congress, Frei Univ. Berlin, Germany, Aug. 20.-25., 2001, p.176-177 (2001).
  44. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., "Asymptotic methods for  nonlinear periodical vibrations of continuous structures", EQUADIFF 10, Abstracts, Math. Ins. Ac. Sc.  Czech Rep., K.Norák, M.Krbec, eds., Prague, p.10 (2001).
  45. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., "Multi-modes vibrations of nonlinear continuous structures", EUROMECH Coll. 425: Non. Dyn., Control and Condition Monitoring,  20-24 Aug. 2001, Book of Abstracts, Aberdeen, 2001, p. 17 (2001).
  46. Andrianov, I.V., Verbonol, V.M., Awrejcewicz, J., "Influence of a pre-critical state on the stability of a stringer shell", Buckling Prediction of Imperfection Sensitive     Shells, EUROMECH Coll. 424, 2 - 5 Sept. 2001, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, pp.6-10 (2001).
  47. Andrianov, I., Danishevs'kyy, V., Weichert, D. "Asymptotic evaluation of effective elastic moduli of periodical composite materials", First SIAM-EMS Conf. "Appl. Math. in our Changing World", Sept. 2-6 2001,, Berlin, Germany, Coll. of Abstr., p. 78 (2001).
  48. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Averaging analysis of in-plane problems for flexible elements with attenuations”, Proc.  6th Conf. on Dynamical Systems: Theory and Appl., Lodz, 10-12.12 2001,  pp. 127-134 (2001).
  49. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Perturbation method for calculation of quadrilateral membranes”, Ibid,  pp. 135-138 (2001).
  50. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., “Multi-modes free vibrations of nonlinear continuous structures”, Ibid,  pp. 139-146 (2001).
  51. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., Weichert, D. “Analogy between asymptotic evaluation of transport and elastic properties of fibre-reinforced composite materials”, 14. Workshop Composite Forschung in der Mechanik. 04.-05. Dezember 2001, Paderborn, Liborianum, p. 9 (2001).
  52. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., Weichert, D. „Asymptotic evaluation of effective complex moduli of fibre-reinforced visco-elastic composite materials“, GAMM 2002 Annual Scientific Conference, Book of Abstracts, p. 30 (2002).
  53. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V. „Artificial small parameters in Nonlinear Dynamics“, 4th Euromech Nonlinear Oscillations Conference, August 19-23, Moscow, Book of Abstracts, p. 21 (2002).
  54. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., Tokarzewski, S., Weichert, D., “Continuous approximations of discrete media”, 34th Solid Mechanics Conf., September 2-7, Zakopane, Poland, Book of Abstract, pp.43-44 (2002).
  55. Tokarzewski, S., Galka A., Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., “Homogenized torsional modulus of a viscoelastic beam reinforced with thin vosvoelastic fibers”, 34th Solid Mechanics Conf., September 2-7, Zakopane, Poland, Book of Abstract, pp.275-276 (2002).
  56. Andrianov, I.V., “Simplified nonlinear dynamic equations for smooth plates and shells”, EUROMECH Coll. 444, Critical Review of the Theories of Plates and Shells and new Applications, Sept. 22-25, 2002, Bremen, Germany, pp.10-13 (2002).
  57. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Simplified nonlinear dynamic equations for smooth plates and shells”, The 7th Conference Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Gdansk - Jurata (Poland), October 9-11, 2002, pp. 47-48 (2002).
  58. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., Weichert, D., “Homogenization of corrugated plates”, The 7th Conference Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, Gdansk - Jurata (Poland), October 9-11, 2002, pp. 49-50 (2002).
  59. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy, V.V., "Homogenization and discrete-continuum approach in the Mechanics of Solids", NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Nonlinear Homogenization and Its application to Composites, Polycrystals and Smart Materials", Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 23-26, 2003.
  60. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Continualization and Padé approximants", Equadiff 2003, Hasselt-Belgium, July 22-26, 2003, Abstracts, p.10 (2003).
  61. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., "Matching solutions based on small and large delta approaches", Proceedings of DETC"03, ASME 2003 Design Eng. Tech. Conf. (DETC 2003/ VIB-48591), Sept. 2-6, 2003, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 1-5 (2003).
  62. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy V.V., Weichert, D., "Asymptotic study of a fibre-reinforced composites with imperfect interface bonding and with coated fibres", 16. Workshop Composite Forschung in der Mechanik. 01.-03. Dezember 2003, Paderborn, Liborianum, p. 8 (2003).
  63. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., Kirichek, Yu.A., Koblik, S.G., "Elastic half-n plane with embedded punch", Proc. 7th Conf. on Dynamical Systems - Theory and Appl., Lodz, 8-11.12 2003, vol. 2, pp. 765-774 (2003).
  64. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs'kyy V.V., Weichert, D., "Asymptotic study of a fibre-reinforced composites with imperfect interface bonding and with coated fibres", GAMM 75th Annual Scientific Conference, Dresden March 21-27, 2004, Book of Abstracts, p. 77 (2004).
  65. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs’kyy V.V., Weichert, D., “Asymptotic simulation of imperfect interface bonding in a fibre-reinforced composite”, Thirteenth Int. Conf. “Mechanics of Composite Materials”; Riga, Latvia, May 16-21, 2004, Book of Abstracts, p. 15 (2004).
  66. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs’kyy V.V., “Nonlinear Normal Modes in the Theory of Shells Oscillations”, Proc. EUROMECH Coll. 457 Non Linear Modes of Vibrating Systems, June 7-9, 2004, Fréjus, France, S.Bellizzi, B.Cochelin & C.-H. Lamarque, Press of the ENTPE, Vaulx en Velin, 2004, p. 161-162 (2004), ISBN 2-86 834-119-5.
  67. Andrianov, I.V., “Artificial small parameters method”, APM 2004, Book of Abstracts, XXXII Summer School-Conference “Advanced Problems in Mechanics”, June 24-July 1, 2004, St.Petersburg (Repino), Russia, p. 20.
  68. Andrianov, I.V., Danishevs’kyy V.V., Weichert, D., “Asymptotic study of imperfect interfacial bonding in periodic composite materials”, ICTAM04 Abstract Book and CD-ROM Proceedings. IPPT PAN, Warszawa 2004, p. 298 (2004).
  69. Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., “Continuous modeling of discrete chain using two-points Padé approximation”, Synergies between Information Processing and Automation, 49. Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 27-30.09.2004, Ilmenau, Germany, Conference Proceedings, v.1, p.464-465 (2004).


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Prof. Igor V. Andrianov web-site
Alexey Andrianov © 2002-09
Vlad Danishevskiy © 2000-01

Andrianov, I.V., Barantsev, R.G., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotical Mathematics and Synergetics: the Way to the Integral Symplicity", Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2004, 304p. (in Russ.), ISBN .
Andrianov, I.V., Barantsev, R.G., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotic Mathematics and Synergetic – a Way to Holistic Simplicity", Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2004, 304p. (in Russ.), ISBN 5-354-00349-0.
View or buy this book on Editorial URSS web-site.

Andrianov, I.V., Awrejcewicz, J., Manevitch, L.I., “Asymptotical Mechanics of Thin-Walled Structures: A Handbook”, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004, 535 p., ISBN 3-540-40876-2.
View or buy this book on Springer web-site.

Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., “Asymptotology: Ideas, Methods, and Applications”, Dordrecht, Boston, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, 252 p., ISBN 1-4020-0960-7.
View or buy this book on Kluwer web-site.

Manevitch, L.I., Andrianov, I.V., Oshmyan, V.O., “Mechanics of Periodically Heterogeneous Structures”, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2002, 264 p., ISBN 3-540-41630-7.
View or buy this book on Springer web-site.

Awrejcewicz, J., Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotic Approaches in the Nonlinear Dynamics: New Trends and Applications", Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1998, 310 p., ISBN 3-540-63894-6.

Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotology: Ideas, Methods, Results", Moscow, Aslan, 1994, 159 p. (in Russ.)., ISBN 5-87793-010-9.

Obraztsov, I.F., Nerubaylo, B.V., Andrianov, I.V., "Asymptotic Methods in the Structural Mechanies of Thin-Walled Structures", Moscow, Mashinostroyenie, 1991, 416 p. (in Russ.)., ISBN 5-217-010066-5.

Andrianov, I.V., Manevitch, L.I., "Asymptotic Methods and Physical Theories", Moscow, Znanie, 1989, 61 p. (in Russ.)., ISBN 5-07-000314-3.

Andrianov, I.V., Lesnichaya, V.A., Manevitch, L.I., "Homogenization Methods in Statics and Dynamics of Ribbed Shells", Moscow, Nauka, 1985, 221 p. (in Russ.).